Sunday, May 31, 2009

New home

On Saturday afternoon, as I was signing the lease for our new Dojo space, I noticed that I wasn't having the feeling I usually have when signing significant agreements; the butterflies were not fluttering in my belly. It was a solid and quiet feeling, that was not accompanied with doubt.

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This morning, the construction process started with demolition of the present layout.
This unit used to be the headquarters of a mortgage company, with lots of cubicles, offices and a massive amount of internet and telephone wires. In the next few days these will be cleared, the drop ceiling will be removed and a large, open space will be waiting to be filled with a very different kind of work. As a very dear friend of mine wrote:
"The photo of your new dojo space is one of the most ironically wonderful things I have seen in a long time--in a collapsing economy shady organizations that sell housing loans go out of business and become dojos. Excellent!"

May this place be a home for transformation, evolution, heart-opening, learning, joy and smiles.

Day 1 | demolition

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lee Sensei,
    Sending you best blessings and wishes for your new dojo. Please keep us updated... Beautiful henka for a place.
