Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A visit from the Peace Dojo

This last Monday we had the pleasure of hosting two Aikido practitioners from the Peace Dojo, in Awassa, Ethiopia. Tesfaye Tekelu and Meshu Tamrat are the co-founders of the Awassa Youth Campus and children Center, a small, grass roots, non-governmental organization. The organization houses the One Love AIDS Education Circus and Theatre Company. They serve hundreds of vulnerable children and perform for thousands around Ethiopia. They also have the first Aikido Dojo in the country, the Peace Dojo.

Tesfaye and Meshu are touring the USA in efforts to raise awareness and funds, and we are so happy our Dojo was one of the many stops in their tour.

Here is a video about the Awassa Youth Campus:

It was a pure joy practicing with you, Tesfaye and Meshu. We wish you a successful and safe journey, and we hope your shining spirits will keep spreading the peaceful message of Aikido around Africa, and all around the world.

To learn more about the Owassa Project organization, check out their blog and web site.


  1. I was a part of hosting the tour here in Berkeley CA and it was more than worthwhile in all respects. Aiki Extensions, directly supports AYC and the Awassa Peace Dojo. The work (community building) is essential, the children (vulnerable in every possible way) couldn't be more important, and the medium (aikido, dance, theater, and other arts of peace) is a joy. Thank you SO much for showing your support! Brandon from Aikido of Berkeley and Executive Director of Aiki Extensions (

  2. Brandon,
    thank you for your comment.
    This is indeed a great work you are doing, through Aiki Extensions. It is truly inspiring, and we are happy to have connection with such organization and leadership.
