Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Our Dojo: A Sacred Place

by Reza Haghshenas, 4th Kyu

 What is Aikido? And what is this martial art going to bring into my life? I don't know the answer. But I feel that Aikido is a manifestation of love, as it lights up something special in my heart, to see my true self, to recognize my real path.

How do I know this is true? I look inside myself and see.

It has been many days, I have come to Aikido class while my physical body was exhausted, my mind was unrestful and my level of consciousness was in a low mode. 

Aikido heals you, it cures you; Once you enter the mat at our dojo the healing process of aikido begins. It is not your choice, you can not stop it; It touches something deep in your heart, bring it up to your physical and conscious levels and pulls you up to a higher level. Our dojo is a sacred place; You just need to enter it, once you do that, it makes you a better person, sheds light on your true nature to explore the way to better yourself.      

I don't know what is aikido or what this martial art is going to bring into my life. But I feel that when you enter the mat, it helps you become a better person. 

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